Friday, February 10, 2023

February Meeting: 2023

Members finalized plans for their Annual Awards Banquet at their February meeting. The banquet will be held at the Wildlife Heritage Center and Museum on Saturday, March 4. It will begin at 6:00 p.m. This year, the club will purchase food trays from Roma's Italian Restaurant. Trays will contain pasta, salad and bread. The club will also provide soft drinks. Of course, if any club member or their spouse would like to bring a dessert, I'm sure it would be appreciated. Club members and their family are welcome to attend. Ladies will have a chance to win a $100.00 prepaid Visa card. All children that attend will receive a prize. Chances will be sold at $1.00 each, for an ABU Garcia Revo SX bait cast reel. You can purchase as many chances as you like.

In other news, board member Andy Cripe asked to be removed from office. Members voted to install Kindel Holiman as the new board member. Members also voted to raise the entry fee for the club's regular season bass tournaments. The current fee is $20.00 plus an optional $5.00 big bass entry fee for a total of $25.00. This year the entry fee will be $25.00 plus an optional $5.00 big bass entry fee for a total of $30.00. Club membership fees still remain at $20.00 per year for adults sixteen and over.