Saturday, April 25, 2020

McGee Creek bass tourney: 4-25-20

Members of the Pushmataha County Sportsman Club held a bass tournament on April 25, at McGee Creek Lake.  Several anglers must have been suffering from “cabin fever’ due to the corona virus as this was one of the best turnouts of contestants in several years.  The weather was clear but very windy.  Most anglers were able to catch a limit of six bass.  Two anglers were able to catch a bass over the 16-22” slot limit.

Ellis Silvey won the tournament with a stringer weight of 14.81 lbs.  Ellis caught a bass that weighed 8.09 pounds to win the big bass of the tournament as well.  Finishing in second place was Kenny Briggs with a stringer weight of 14.50.  Kenny also had a bass over the slot limit that weighed 7.09 pounds.  Dennis Willeford finished in third place with a stringer weight of 8.26 pounds.

The club’s next bass tournament may be on May 9, at McGee Creek.  A decision will be made before then and posted on Facebook.  A tournament is scheduled for Sardis Lake on May 16 but the club will not be allowed to hold the tournament unless restrictions from the US Army Corps of Engineers, due to the corona virus, are lifted. Once they are lifted, the club will return to its regular schedule of bass tournaments.  Check back with our page on Facebook for updates as well as our website at


Friday, April 17, 2020

Free Youth Fishing Tournament

The club’s free youth fishing tournament that was scheduled for May 2, at McGee Creek Lake, has been postponed.  We feel that even if the corona virus is winding down by then that it would still be in the best interest of the children to delay the tournament.  The tournament has been re-scheduled for July 11, at McGee Creek Lake, Buster Hights Landing.  As always, kids will win prizes until the supply of prizes is exhausted.  After the tournament the kids will be treated to a hotdog lunch with all the trimmings including soft drinks.  More information will be posted as the date draws closer.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

McGee Creek Tourney, April, 25.

As of now, we are still on for our bass tournament on April 25, at McGee Creek Lake.  We will launch from the Buster Hights boat ramp.  Fishing times will be from 6:30 to 3:30.  Once again, we must practice “social distancing”.  Please, do not group up while waiting to pay your entry fee and the same goes for weigh-in.  Give yourself and the people around you some distance.

Just a reminder that turkey season opens for the southeast counties on Monday, April 20.  If you want to enter the club’s turkey season contest, entries should be made before season begins.  However, with the corona virus keeping everyone home, you may message the club and let us know you want to enter.  You will be required to pay your entry fee before you can enter any other club event.  You can enter at Silveys Tax or if you message the club, you may pay at Silveys or you can pay at the bass tournament on the 25th.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Spring Turkey Season Contest

Spring turkey season for the southeast counties of Oklahoma will open on Monday, April 20.   Members wishing to enter the club’s turkey contest must do so before the start of season.  The entry fee is $10.00 per member.  Winners are determined by the length of the turkey’s beard.  The turkey with the longest beard wins 50% of the entry fees and the 2nd longest wins 40% of the entry fees.  Each receives a plaque.  Entries can be paid at Silvey’s Tax service.  If you do not wish to get out due to the corona virus, just message the club and say you want to be entered.  The entry fee must be paid before you will be allowed to enter in any other club event.

The rules are fairly simple:

1.     Turkey must be taken in regular turkey season.  No bonus hunts, controlled hunts or special hunts allowed.

2.    Turkey must be taken in Pushmataha county or an adjoining county.

3.    Rules of fair chase must be followed and all rules set forth by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation must be followed.

4.    Beards will be measured at the next club meeting following the end of season.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

McGee Creek Bass Tournament: 4-4-20

Nineteen members of the Pushmataha County Sportsman Club braved the cold temperatures, the drizzle and a stiff north wind to compete in a bass tournament on Saturday, April 4.  The tournament was held on McGee Creek Lake.  The boat ramps at McGee Creek are in a state park and are still open for bass tournaments.  All US Army Corps of Engineers lakes are closed for tournament fishing at this time due to the corona virus.  Members did practice “social distancing” while signing in and during the weigh-in.

Even though the weather was not cooperating the fish were still willing to bite.  Fifteen of the nineteen anglers caught their limit of six bass.  Two anglers were able to catch a bass over the 16-22” slot limit.  Winning first place with a stringer weight of 13.91 pounds was Andy Cripe.  Andy also caught the big bass of the tournament.  It weighed 6.45 pounds.  Josh Johnston finished in second place with a stringer weight of 10.73 pounds.  Josh was also able to catch a bass over the slot limit that weighed 6.04 pounds. Finishing in third place was Billy Latham.  Billy had a stringer weight of 9.28 pounds.

The club’s next bass tournament will be on Saturday, April 25, also at McGee Creek Lake.  This will take place unless the park is closed due to the corona virus.  Fishing times will be announced later on the club’s Facebook page.  The club’s monthly meeting, which was scheduled for Thursday, April 9, has been canceled.
Top Ten Standings: 4-4-20