Thursday, December 12, 2019

December Meeting highlights

Members of the Pushmataha County Sportsman Club held their monthly meeting on Thursday, December 12.  The 2020 bass tournament schedule was discussed and approved.  A copy of the schedule is listed below.  All dates are TENTATIVE pending permit approval from lake authorities.  The Annual Awards Banquet has been scheduled for Saturday, February 29. 

In other news, all current officers were nominated for re-election in 2020.  Board members were also nominated.  Those nominated for board of directors positions were Colby Chandler, Kaleb Hensley, Forrest Cave, Bob Smith, Chuck Beck and Mike Burrage.  Elections will be held at the January meeting.

Also approved at the meeting was the Eugene Hensley Memorial Death Benefit fund.  Now, upon the death of a paid yearly member or their spouse, a benefit of $250.00 will be paid to the surviving spouse.  If both member and spouse pass, their children or designated heir will receive $500.00.  This benefit will be funded by an increase of yearly membership dues from $15.00 to $20.00 per year.

Members that entered the club’s deer season contest are reminded to bring their deer antlers to the January meeting so they may be scored to determine winners.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

December Meeting

Members of the Pushmataha County Sportsman Club will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, December 12.  Meetings are held at the Wildlife Heritage Center and Museum and begin at 7:30 p.m.  Anyone wishing to join the club is invited to attend.

The main item on the agenda will be the discussion and approval of the 2020 Bass Tournament schedule.  Dates are voted on at this meeting so permits can be obtained from the lake authorities.  Also, the date for the Annual Awards Banquet will be voted on at this time as well as discussion on who will speak, if anyone, at the banquet.  Other items may also be discussed at the meeting. Those wishing to have input on the bass tournament schedule or other items should attend.

Also on the agenda will be the nomination of the 2020 officers and board members.  Nominations are made at this meeting and voting will take place at the January meeting. As well as items mentioned above, I’m sure there will also be a few deer hunting stories exchanged as well.