Friday, January 15, 2021

January Meeting 2021


Members of the Pushmataha County Sportsman Club held their monthly meeting on Thursday, January 14. On the agenda was the election of officers.  All current officers were re-elected.  They are Billy Latham, president; Judd Thomas, vice president; Ellis Silvey, treasurer; Billy Henlsey, secretary.  Board of Director members were also elected.  They are Randy Janoe, Colby Chandler, Forrest Cave, Mike Burrage, Kaleb Hensley, and Andy Cripe.

In other news, the 2021 Bass Tournament Schedule was approved.  All permits for tournament dates have been approved.  The complete schedule can be found on our Facebook page or on the club website at  For those interested, the 50th Annual Big Bass Rodeo will be held at Pine Creek on April 24-25.  The first bass tournament of the season will be held at McGee Creek Lake on March 13.

The Annual Awards Banquet has been set for Saturday, March 6. In previous years, the banquet has been held at the high school cafeteria but this year it will be held at the Wildlife Heritage Center and Museum.  Members will receive awards that were earned during the 2020 season.

Members that had entered the 2020 deer season contest brought their antlers to the meeting to be measured to determine contest winners.  In archery season, Colby Chandler took first place honors with Billy Latham finishing in second place.  Kane Miller won first place in the primitive firearms contest with an impressive buck scoring 160+ Boone & Crockett points. Ellis Silvey came in second in the primitive firearms contest.  For the rifle season contest, Colby Chandler finished in first place with Judd Thomas taking second place honors.  This was one of the better years for our members as several nice racks were brought to the meeting.

The club’s next meeting will be on Thursday, February 11.  Meetings are held at the Wildlife Heritage Museum and begin at 7:30 p.m.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

January 2021 Meeting

 Members of the Pushmataha County Sportsman Club will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, January 14. Meetings are held at the Wildlife Heritage Center and begin at 7:30 p.m.

On the agenda will be the election of officers and board members for the upcoming year. Also, plans will be made for the annual awards banquet that will be held on Saturday, March 6. Plans for this year's Big Bass Rodeo will be discussed. This will mark the 50th Anniversary of the big bass tournament. The last item on the agenda will be determining winners of the 2020 deer season contest. Those who entered the contest and had a successful hunt must bring their antlers to the meeting or make arrangements for someone else to bring them. This will be the only meeting where antlers will be measured to determine winners.