Saturday, May 14, 2016

Youth Tournament results

On Saturday, May 14, members of the Pushmataha County Sportsman Club hosted a free youth fishing tournament on McGee Creek Lake.  The event was open to any youth that was sixteen years old or younger.  There was no charge for the event.  Twenty-six young anglers participated in the tournament.  The anglers were able to enjoy mild temperatures with somewhat windy conditions. 

The rules were fairly simple.  Any legal fish could be brought to the weigh-in.  Contestants could fish from the shore or from a boat.  Rod and reels or cane poles could be used as well as live bait or artificial lures.  The kids fished from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.  Several nice stringers of fish were caught and weighed.

Winning the tournament was Kimberly Bartlett.  Kimberly had a stringer weight of 16.44 pounds.  Cedar Derby came in second with a stringer weight of 12.15 pounds.  Third place was won by Kaleb Mason with a stringer weight of 6.31 pounds.  Kaleb also caught the biggest fish of the tournament with fish weighing 1.86 pounds. These three contestants all received plaques and a very nice prize.  Also, every young angler that entered the contest received a prize, regardless of whether they were able to catch any fish or not. 

After the weigh-in, contestants and their parents were treated to a cookout featuring hotdogs and hamburgers with soft drinks and all the trimmings.  All that attended seemed to enjoy the fishing and the good food.

The club’s next event will be a bass tournament on May 21, at Sardis Lake.  Anglers will launch from the Sardis Cove boat ramp.  Fishing times will be from “safe light” until 3:00 p.m.

2016 Youth Tournament winners.

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