Monday, March 17, 2025

McGee Creek: 3-15-25

Members of the Pushmataha County Sportsman Club held their first bass tournament of the year on Saturday, March 15.  The tournament was held on McGee Creek Lake.  Twenty-eight members competed in the event.  The morning started off fairly calm but  by late morning the wind had picked up making fishing difficult, however, most anglers were able to catch a few bass.  The water temp ranged from the upper fifties to the low sixties.

Fifteen anglers were able to catch a limit of five bass.  Four anglers were unable to boat a single keeper.  Chuck Beck won the tournament with a five fish limit that weighed 15.66 pounds.  Tony Derby finished in second place, also with a five limit that weighed 12.93 pounds.  Daniel Miller finished in third place with a stringer weight of12.66 pounds.  Daniel also caught the big bass of the tournament.  It weighed 7.00 pounds.

The club’s next bass tournament will be on Saturday, March 29, at Sardis Lake.  Launch site for the tournament will be Sardis Cove ramp.  Fishing times will be from 8:00 until 4:00. 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

54th Annual Awards Banquet

On Saturday, March 8, members of the Pushmataha County Sportsman Club held their 54th Annual Awards Banquet.   The banquet was held at the Wildlife Heritage Center and Museum.  Members and their families were treated to a meal of lasagna and chicken Alfredo along with salad and bread prepared by Roma’s Italian Restaurant.  Members were recognized for their achievements during the 2024 hunting and fishing contests.

The first awards to be presented were for the 2024 spring turkey season contest.  The length of the turkey’s beard determined winners. Winning first place was Billy Hensley.  He was the only member entered into the contest that harvested a bird.  Billy received a plaque and a check for a share of the entry fees.

The Top Ten Anglers of the Year were recognized next.  Each angler received a year plate for their perpetual plaque, or if this was their first time to make the Top Ten, they received a perpetual plaque with the year plate attached. Each year an angler makes the Top Ten, he will receive a year plate to be added to his plaque.  The Top Ten Anglers for 2024 were (from number 10 to number 1) Terry Thurman, Billy Latham, Aubrey Davidson, Forrest Cave, Tony Derby, Randy Janoe, Judd Thomas, Eric Baskin, Ellis Silvey, and Bass Angler of the Year, Billy Hensley.  Billy received his plate for his perpetual plaque, a plaque for the Angler of the Year, and a check for $100.00.

Fishing season ends each year with the club’s Annual Top Ten Tournament that allows the Top Ten Anglers, along with up to five wild card anglers, to compete against each other in one final tournament.  The winner of the 2024 Top Ten Tournament was Billy Latham.  Billy received a championship plaque for his win.

The Big Bass of the Year award was presented to Billy Hensley.  Billy caught a bass weighing 9.40 pounds at Sardis Lake during the March bass tournament.   Billy Hensley also won the award for the Heaviest Stringer of the Year.  He had a stringer weight of 34.81 pounds that was caught during a tournament in March on Sardis Lake.  He was presented a plaque.

The “100 Pound Club” award goes to members that are able to catch at least one hundred pounds of bass during the club’s bass tournaments in a season.  Four members were able to catch over one hundred pounds.  They were Judd Thomas with 100.17 pounds, Eric Baskin with 107.20 pounds, Ellis Silvey with 144.81 pounds and Billy Hensley with 166.48 pounds.  Each received a plaque.

In the club’s deer archery season contest, Billy Hensley won first place honors with Judd Thomas winning the award for second place.  Winners are determined by measuring the buck’s antlers using the Boone and Crockett scoring system.  Both received a plaque and a check for their share of the entry fee money.

Billy Hensley took first place honors in the deer primitive firearms contest.  Colby Chandler finished in second place.  Both received a plaque and a share of the entry fee money.

In the rifle season contest, Judd Thomas won first place and Billy Hensley finished in second place.  Each received a plaque and their share of the entry fee money.

The Grand Slam Award is given to members who are able to harvest a deer in all three seasons; archery, primitive and rifle seasons.  This year, Judd Thomas and Billy Hensley were the only members to complete this task. Each was awarded the Grand Slam plaque.

Each year the club recognizes a sponsor that consistently supports the club and the Big Bass Rodeo.  This year, two sponsors were recognized and presented a plaque.  The “Sponsor of the Year” award was presented to The Auto Parts Store, NAPA, in Antlers, and Hood’s Corner in Rattan.

The club’s most prestigious award is the Sportsman of the Year Award.  The winner of this award is determined by a point system based on club participation and success in the field.  The 2024 Sportsman of the Year was Billy Hensley. Billy received a plaque and a check for $100.00.

Each year the club recognizes the president of the club for his service and dedication.  This year, club president Billy Latham, was awarded a year plate for his perpetual plaque acknowledging his service of twenty-eight years as club president.

The ladies door prize, a $100.00 prepaid Master Card, was won by Martha Hensley.  The men’s door prize, a Lew’s KVD Tournament baitcast reel, was won by Randy Janoe.  As always, every child that attended was awarded a door prize consisting of games, sports balls, fishing equipment and more.

The club’s first bass tournament of 2024 will be at McGee Creek Lake on Saturday, March 15.  Launch site for the tournament will be the Buster Hights boat landing.  Fishing times for the tournament will be voted on at the club’s monthly meeting on Thursday, March 13.  Club meetings are held at the Wildlife Heritage Center on the second Thursday of each month and begin at 7:30 p.m. You can keep up with club activities on Facebook or on their web page at

For a complete viewing of pics from the banquet, visit our Facebook page.

Friday, January 17, 2025

January Meeting/2025 Bass Tournament Schedule

 Members of the Pushmataha County Sportsman Club held their monthly meeting on Thursday, January 16. On the agenda was the election of officers.  All current officers were re-elected.  They are Billy Latham, president; Judd Thomas, vice president; Ellis Silvey, treasurer; Billy Henlsey, secretary.  Board of Director Members were also elected.  They are Randy Janoe, Eric Baskin, Forrest Cave, Joe Janoe, Aubrey Davidson, and Tony Derby.

In other news, the 2025 Bass Tournament Schedule was approved.  All permits for tournament dates have been approved.  The complete schedule can be found on our Facebook page or on the club website at  For those interested, the 54th Annual Big Bass Rodeo will be held at Pine Creek Lake on April 26-27.  The first bass tournament of the season will be held at McGee Creek Lake on March 15.

The Annual Awards Banquet has been set for Saturday, March 8. The banquet will be held at the Wildlife Heritage Center and Museum.  Members will receive awards that were earned during the 2024 season.

Members that had entered the 2024 deer season contest brought their antlers to the meeting to be measured to determine contest winners.  In archery season, Billy Hensley took first place honors with Judd Thomas finishing in second place. No bucks were taken by contestants during archery season.  According to club rules, the first doe checked in is the winner and the person checking in the next doe will win second place.  Billy Hensley won first place in the primitive firearms contest with Colby Chandler taking second place. For the rifle season contest, Judd Thomas finished in first place with Billy Hensley taking second place honors.  Places were determined by measuring the deer antlers using the Boone and Crockett scoring system.

The club’s next meeting will be on Thursday, February 13.  Meetings are held at the Wildlife Heritage Center and Museum and begin at 7:30 p.m.