Monday, September 26, 2016

Deer Season Contest Information

Members are reminded that the club holds a fall deer hunting contest for each of Oklahoma’s three deer seasons: archery, primitive firearms, and regular gun season.  First and second place prizes and plaques are awarded for each season.  Winners are determined by a measurement of the buck’s antlers using the Boone & Crockett scoring system. Entries must be made before a season begins and can be made at Silvey’s Tax Service.  Complete rules and regulations are listed below.


(Updated 3-20-16)


1. No entries will be accepted after a season begins.

2. No one person can win more than one prize for each season.

3. Entry fee must be paid prior to each season. Current fee is

    $10.00 per season or as set by the club.

4. Contestant must be a member of the Pushmataha County

    Sportsman Club.

5. In case of a tie, the following rule will be followed:  The buck

    checked-in first, based on check station records, will be the


6. Prizes will be awarded for first and second place in each

    season.  Winners will be determined by a gross score

    measurement of the buck’s antlers using the Boone & Crockett

    scoring method.

7. Antler-less deer taken by contestants will receive points for the

    “Sportsman of the Year” award only unless no bucks were

     checked in.  In this case, the doe checked in first will win.

8. The buck with the highest gross B & C score will receive 50%

    of the entry money.   The deer with  the 2nd highest B & C

    score will receive 40% of the entry money. Both will receive a

    trophy or a plaque.

9. No computer draw or controlled hunts are eligible.  Deer taken

    in “high fence” areas are not eligible for the contest.  A “high

    fence” is any fence that would prohibit or greatly restrict a deer

    from leaving the property being hunted on.

10. All state hunting laws and regulations will be adhered to for

      these contests.

11.  To be eligible for a prize, the deer  must be killed in Pushmataha county or an adjoining county.

12.  Any member killing a deer in all three seasons sponsored by the club will receive an award.

13.  It is the contestants responsibility to have the weight,

      points, and time of check in written on the carcass tag and

      brought to the January meeting for scoring.

14.  Antlers should be left attached to the skull plate and brought

      to the January meeting to be scored.

15.  Entries should be paid at the September club meeting. 

      Entries may also be paid at Silvey’s Tax Consulting or be

      mailed to PO Box 576, Antlers, OK 74523.  Make sure on

      mailed entries to specify your name and which seasons are

      being entered.  Mailed entries MUST be postmarked before

      the opening day of the earliest season being entered.

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