At the March 9, 2015 meeting, members voted to change the
rules for our club’s turkey hunting contest.Previously, the heaviest bird checked in won first place and the turkey
with the longest beard won second place.To keep members from having to travel after they harvest a bird and get
it weighed on club scales, members voted to base places on beard length
only.This way, a member can simply
remove the beard during the cleaning process and freeze it or salt down the
skin portion and bring it to the May meeting to be measured.The longest beard will win first place and
the second longest beard will win second place.Members are reminded that the entry fee of $7.00 must be paid before
season begins, which is April 20, this year.Turkeys must be taken by fair chase and killed in Pushmataha county or
an adjoining county.First place
receives 50% of the entry fees and second place receives 40% of the entry
fees.Both receive a plaque at the
annual awards banquet.
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